Company Profile
- 商号
Company name - 有限会社 奥出雲薔薇園
Limited company okuizumo rose garden
- 設立
Establishment - 平成16年12月22日
December 2004
- 資本金
Capital - 300万円
3 million yen
- 代表取締役社長
Representative Director and President - 福間 裕紀
Yuki Fukuma
- 所在地
location - 〒694-0041
- 0854-83-7330
- 0854-83-7331
- 事業内容
Business contents - ・農産物の育種研究
Breeding research on agricultural products
Manufacture and sales of industrial rose products
Manufacture and sale of processed agricultural products
- 主要取引銀行
Main bank - 山陰合同銀行 San-in Godo Bank
島根中央信用金庫 Shimane Central Shinkin Bank
ゆうちょ銀行 Japan Post Bank
- 提供先分野
Destination field - ・外食店(和洋中、パティスリー等)
Dining restaurant (Japanese / Western / Japanese, patisseries, etc.)
Food manufacturers, related sales agents, etc.
Cosmetic manufacturer, sales agent etc.
Sake brewer, sales agent etc.
Major department store relations
Membership hotel hotel related company
Nationwide hotel, and inn
Tourist facilities related to roses nationwide
- 沿革
History - ・昭和61年 島根県大田市において創業
1986 Established in Ota City, Shimane Prefecture
Developed organic coating material "Globe Multi"
・平成元年 有機被覆材「グローブマルチ」を応用した新素材研究に着手
1989 Started research on new materials applying organic coating material "Globe Multi"
・平成15年 産業用薔薇の育種開発に成功し、香りの薔薇「さ姫」を生産開始する
2003 Succeeded in breeding of industrial rose and succeeded in production, start production of scented rose "Princess"
・平成16年 同県雲南市において資本金300万円にて有限会社フレグランス・ロゼ設立
2004 Established Fragrance · Rosé Limited Company with capital of 3 million yen in Yunnan City, same prefecture
・平成17年 県内外に向け、香りの薔薇「さ姫」の原料素材提供を開始
2005 Started providing raw material for scented rose 'Sawa' toward inside and outside the prefecture
・平成20年 島根県大田市に本社移転並びに有限会社奥出雲薔薇園に商号変更
2008 Head office moved to Ota City, Shimane prefecture, and company name changed to Okuyun Rose Garden Co., Ltd.
・平成25年 加工場を改築し、生産から販売の拡充を行う
2013 Renovation of processing plants, expansion of production from production
- 取得認証
Certification - ・認定農業者(Certified farmer)
・有機JAS認証(Organic certified)
理念 Idea
Roses who have been captivating people with sensual beauty and rich fragrance and color than before.
It is an indispensable flower as a symbol of social position in the enjoyment and life of royalty aristocrats, it was a valuable material indispensable to watching, as well as flavoring of court food.
It was indeed used as a symbol of social status.
Also developed as drugs and cosmetics due to the efficacy of the rose 's effect. This was possible in the era without artificial compounds, because development was possible because the rose was "real" material.
Also developed as drugs and cosmetics due to the efficacy of the rose 's effect. This was possible in the era without artificial compounds, because development was possible because the rose was "real" material.
And we believe that we reproduce the "real rose" with the fragrance and color every season and feel that we can feel richness and beauty to our customers.
Okuizumi Rose Garden aims to tell the customers of rose lovers more value than being safe and secure by respecting the edge such as connection with people.
有限会社 奥出雲薔薇園
Limited company Okuzumi rose garden